Let Decker Electric light up your home with expert design and installation of outdoor lighting for your home’s exterior.


Decker Electric provides residential services benefiting homeowners in Wichita and beyond. Properly-installed outdoor lighting provides your home and family with both beautiful design as well as security. Since 1977, Decker Electric has provided outdoor lighting solutions to homes in Wichita and all across Kansas.

Decker Electric’s superior technicians will see to all your electrical needs, inside and out. Our technicians can also handle any home’s existing lighting set-up. We can address any issues you may be having in order to ensure your outdoor lighting is safe and reliable.

Our outdoor lighting capabilities include:

  • New outdoor lighting installation
  • Repair or upgrade of existing outdoor lights
  • Pathway lighting
  • Deck, patio, and pool lighting
  • Spotlights and floodlights
  • Motion-detecting lighting

Contact Project Manager Gary Lindow to see how Decker Electric can help on your next outdoor lighting project. Having been at Decker Electric in Wichita since 2008, Gary has the experience to ensure a successful project from beginning to end. We are a large team of project managers and are located in the heart of Wichita, just off Kellogg at the West St. exit.

Service Manager Gary Lindlow with profile information of his electrical experience with Decker Electric